Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Friday, August 27, 2010

What's a Woman to do?

Tonight I read a excerpt from a book,  "Half the Sky, turning oppression into opportunity for women world wide."  This book is a national best-seller by Nicholas D. Kristo and Sheryl WuDunn,  and I received it from my 21 year old Daughter, Katie.  She is reading this book in one of her college classes.

The beginning of this book describes a horrific scene of a young girl from Cambodia, trafficked and enslaved into the sex industry.  As I read this story, I felt sick, thinking of the millions of girls around the world that are harmed by evil men (and women).  I thought of my own experience in the red light district of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the damage done to young girls all over that particular country.  My heart cried out, why? How?  What has happened in our world that beautiful, innocent girls can be treated like animals?   How can a society turn their backs on innocents like this?  Many questions, few answers.

I do not enjoy the feeling of despair-or hoplessness!  I feel moved to action!  What can I do?  I don't know, but one thing I do know..I can do something!  I CANNOT do nothing.  I have five daughters, what would I do if this atrocity happened to one of them?  I will tell you what I would do..I would fight!  I would NOT give up!  I would leave no rock unturned, or method untouched..I would take no prisoners, (so to speak) but I WOULD NOT GIVE UP...until my daughter was released from her nightmare.

How can my response be any different to the innocents of the world?  These girls are individuals, with hopes, dreams, and beating hearts.  They once had aspirations to be someone of significance, now they live in shame and humiliation- treated like a dog.  What do I say to my girls?  I lived in this era of child sex trafficking and I was too busy to DO something?   I Have read about the shame of those who lived through the Holocaust and later where questioned, Why didn't you stand up?  How could you just keep quiet?  Did it make your neighbors uncomfortable?  Maybe put your way of life at risk?  These individuals had to live their lives with their head down, in shame, knowing their fellow man suffered, and they stood by, doing nothing.  I want to answer to my children someday- I did try, I fought, I cried for these girls, I brought awareness. Yes,  I failed, I floundered, at times had no idea what I was doing, but at least I cared, I tried.  That is my desire!   Thank You God, because you are faithful, looking for only a willing heart that says, "hear am I, send me." I thank Him that He uses the common things of this world,  and His only prerequisit?  Availability!

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