Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Talents of Women

I am amazed. I have been working on the Christmas Bazaar for just about 3 months now. One of my vendors backed out last night and all evening I was calling around to people I knew that may have an idea for a replacement for me. I sit here this morning, praying, knowing, God has all the little details covered, I am at peace. I start thanking Him for that fact: 22 Vendors, 50 donations, 15 volunteers, and lot's of cool products. I thank God for the chance I have had to see such diversity in talent also. My vendors are so cool: women are so diverse! There are young women who sell high end shoes, jewelry, and clothing that are so generous with their profits, using the business as a way to help others. We have local artists that make shoes, jewelry, candles, nativity sets, clothing, hats, headbands, photography, stationary, yummy food. My volunteers are so cool as well: their talents have become so obvious: some decorate, some administrate, some give practical help, some network..this event has gone far beyond being just a fund raiser, it has brought women from all over together to work toward a common goal/good. How can I not be Thankful? This event has something for everyone: sports equipment, toys, clothing, accessories, ornaments, spa packages, starbucks gift basket, and everything listed above! This is an open event, all are welcome!




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