Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What's better than Grace?

Last year was a pretty tough year for our family. It seemed as if all eight of us were going through major life adjustments all at once. This week when I dropped Luke off for his first day of all day junior Kindergarten, I watched many of the mom's crying as they left the building but my eyes were dry. I wondered at my lack of sadness as I left that cute little building where my last child at home will spend his days away from me from now on? Why the joy, the smile, and the skip in my step? I realized I have reached a major milestone in my life, and no, it isn't having all six kids in school for the first time in twenty years! The milestone is beginning to live by faith maybe for the first time in my walk with God. I have loved Jesus for 20 years now, but in my journey I struggled with control, doubt, worry, and sometimes fear. Last September, when many things were spinning out of my control I began to learn how to be content in all circumstances. I learned exactly how much God loves me and provides for my every need-no matter if I fret and try and control or not.

BUT, the most important thing I learned is Grace! I watched my kids go through the toughest year of their life and I knew only God could fix it. I used to pray this prayer from Isiah, "As he looks to the left or the right, that he will hear a voice in his ear, this is the way, walk in it." I watched God's beautiful, amazing grace unfold in their life. I watched how God forgives and restores, and changes us. What could be better than a holy, loving God unconditionally loving us all the time. But you see, He doesn't stop there..He transforms us, He renews our strength, He whispers to us in the stillness of the night, It is going to be okay, I got your back, I am watching over your precious children, whether that be at college or in Junior Kindergarten!

We are all in a much different place this year than last. When you put your trust in the Lord and NOT your circumstances your life changes in many ways. When James says, "count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds" we cringe, how is that possible? But I can tell you, it is possible and if you do what James tells you, your life WILL change. Something shifts, and when you begin living under the priveledge and power available to you in Christ, His Grace will amaze you as well.

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