Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Early Morning coffee and studying God's grace

I am sitting here sippin my first cup of coffee of the day. What is it about coffee that is so appealing? I love Getting up, heading out to the kitchen to grab that first cup and head to my comfy chair. I sit and pray, thinking about the day ahead, the day behind and I feel so thankful for the small pleasures of life.

We had our first backyard study last night and we talked about Grace. One of the questions was, share an experience of undeserved grace in your life...interesting what was shared. I love how my friends gave tribute to so many things that are simple and common. As christians we understand getting up each morning is grace..the sunset, the sunrise, coffee, kids, friends, our whole life has threads of God's grace everywhere. I realized sitting there last night with dear friends that my cup is full! I have friends that love me, a family I adore, and little hints of God everywhere around me.

Recently, I have been listening to a pastor that speaks of the things of God as a rythym. I like that. If I am looking for it, I can see God in everything. God set the world in motion and He upholds everything by His righteous, right hand. THAT IS GRACE. My job? To humbly ask God to show me the rythym He desires me to walk in. To be thankful and humble, realizing ALL good things come from Him.

Thanks to all of the new and old friends that make studying God's word so fun. I pray our study together reveals more and more of God's blessings as we begin this journey in James.

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