Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How do I react?

Hello again.  I hope everyone enjoyed reading about our intern, Courtney Osborn in the last post.  We had a chance to see Courtney on Friday at our fitness and fellowship group (which will continue this summer).  Courtney is road tripping it for two weeks and then will be working One and a half days per week this summer for us.   Pray for her travels!

This last week I  had funny experiences that are a little out of the ordinary for me.  I found myself laughing while a dear friend relayed a story to me.  The problem wasn't a funny story.  This friend corrected me and said, "Terri, why are you laughing so hard, this is serious!"  Of course, I wasn't laughing the entire time she relayed the story, but only at the beginning.  When this friend corrected me, I stopped in my tracks, yes, why was I laughing?   I didn't really know.  

I thought about that all week.  Another comment from a different person made me realize why I was laughing when my friend wanted to be serious.  TRIALS.  TRIBULATIONS.  These come into our lives, don't they?  I realized that I was on over load with bad news.  I have things in my life that hurt.  I have friends that have hurts, and family members that are hurting.  I realized that when i was with this friend,  I wanted a relief from troubles, have some fun, avoid  the negative.  I wanted to laugh, and joke around, feel young and light hearted.  I wanted to avoid the pain of what she wanted to tell me about..I needed good news.   

The last few weeks God has continued to give me encouraging thoughts and verses to spur me on toward joy.   Check this out from Chuck Swindoll:

A few things in life are absolutely tragic. Some are mysteriously strange. Many, however, are just plain funny.
There isn’t a day that passes in which I fail to see, hear, or read something that makes me smile. And because laughter is such effective therapy, I’m grateful that God dispenses this divine medication so frequently.
For instance, rules and statutes aren’t meant to be amusing . . . but sometimes they are. I find some of them downright hilarious. Some examples?
  •  In Danville, Pennsylvania, fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires.
  •  Oklahoma law requires that drivers involved in fatal accidents stop immediately and give their names and addresses to those who were struck.
  •  In Lakefield, Ontario, legislation permits birds to sing for 30 minutes during the day and 15 minutes at night.

A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

So..I guess I am looking for a counter to the pain and the trials.  I desire to ward off depression by laughing.  I am attempting to choose laughter at times instead of tears. My behavior may seem a little odd at times, but I have looked into the face of my alternative too many times and that pit scares me..I don't want to go there.  

If you are struggling with a trial, read a little Lucy or Chuck Swindoll- they have always reminded me of the importance of a positive attitude.  

One more thing-yesterday I spent a little time with a few homeless friends. (also a great encouragement)   I was speaking with Paul and I was thanking him for how he encouraged the last group we took down there with his beautiful singing and preaching.  He had shared some amazing truths about Easter with us and we were all very touched.   When I thanked him he said this, " Oh, thank you for telling me that.  That encourages me to know God is not done with me yet, He still has work for me here on this earth, Praise God."  

 I am humbled, a homeless man with joy-encourging me.   I am sorry to my friend,  for my odd behavior of laughing at the wrong time, but I am just taking my daily medicine, prescribed by God.  

One last thought from Pastor Chuck:
I recognize the ability to laugh and to find the humor in things as a gift from God to every believer. Even though life brings tragic occurrences our way now and then, God desires that we find joy as we rest in His sovereignty over all things. A Christian who doesn’t laugh much is not taking God’s divine prescription for spiritual health.

1 comment:

World Changing Writing said...

You're right! Laughter is good for the soul. Thanks for the post :)