Red Cross Motto

"The Greatest Tragedy is indifference"

Our Challenge

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver

Thursday, September 3, 2009

doing good and knowing why

I have a large stack of papers on my desk, just sitting here, screaming out for my attention. Most of these hand-outs, flyers, and brouchures are asking for something. The plea may be for my money, my time, or even a RSVP. I look at it all and ask myself, how do I STAY intentional? I wrote about being intentional on a previous post and I am here to tell you, it takes commitment. I realize I will let people down, they won't understand, including my kids. Let me share an example:

One of my daughters would like to spend the night out for the third weekend in a row and I must say no. Why/because i am trying to be intentional. I made a comittment to God that must trump any other pressure out there, and that is to spend time with my kids, raise them up to know Him and to Love hIm. How do I acheive that when they are never home? When my daughter has to say no to this friend, feelings may get hurt, my daughter may be upset with me, but who am I living for and trying to please? That is the way to stay intentional, ask yourself why? Why do I go there, give money to that, or spend time with so and so? Who (or what) am I living for? Jesus said, "you cannot serve two masters." I want to serve only MY MASTER, Jesus..therefore I must be intentional! Right now, I am realizing that means I must let go of certain people, places ,and things. As I learned this summer at "hot summer nights":) Jesus Plus Nothing. Meaning; If I don't have Jesus? I have nothing! The stack on my desk can wait, sorry!

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